In Revelation 2:4-5, the Lord talks about the saints in Ephesus not doing the 'first works' or forgetting their 'first love'.
I'm not sure if this refers to something in particular, but I'd like to share something that comes to my mind.
Everyone I know who has cared about the Gospel of Jesus Christ at some point, has experienced this something. I suppose its when you get the spirit really strong. I wish I wouldn't say that it can seem rare, or that you get used to it and forget what it was like 'at first'. I'm still figuring out why I sometimes fee like that, but in any event we can - those of us who have felt this - identify the times when we've felt it.
There's an excitement, a joy, a feeling of conviction that are associated with this. Maybe this is the 'first love'. When you are touched by the spirit, especially at first, you know that you are part of something special.
I don't think most anyone would say that after having felt such, they did not later, at some point, sink into apathy or doubt to some extent.
That's okay. I only hope to mention in this post that I know that I'd like to put forth some more effort to remember that 'first love', to be committed always like I am at those special times. I'm talking about a special level of commitment, an endurance.
I think remembering those times when the spirit was strong helps us keep going.